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Modern family: meet Corinne, River & Mila

Corinne and  River, along with their daughter Mila, (collectively known as @northsouthtravels) join us in London at Sonder Chelsea Green. This trio, soon-to-be four with the upcoming arrival of their second daughter, are a modern family that’s always on the go. As creators specializing in travel and lifestyle, they’ve been working and traveling almost non-stop since Mila turned one. Although this line of work can be all-consuming, the beauty of their setup means they get to spend so much time together — even when on the road. 

Sonder Chelsea Green | London

What’s your favorite travel memory as a family?

C&R: Gosh, so many. One that’s up there as a core travel memory was our 4 week road trip through California and Arizona last year. Each day we saw and experienced so much, from being by the coast driving through Big Sur, Yosemite’s vast nature, SoCal beaches, and Disneyland, to suddenly 10 feet of snow in Scottsdale, Arizona as well as the Grand Canyon and Antelope Canyon. We also celebrated Mila’s second birthday on that trip and were joined by friends for the second half, definitely making it a memorable trip that will stay as a favorite for a long time to come.

When we decided to have Mila there was never a question as to whether we would continue traveling or not. It was: when should we start?

How are you passing on your love of travel to your children?
C&R: By taking them everywhere with us, we hope. We love travel, it’s in our bones — it’s always been part of both of us individually and then as a couple. When we decided to have Mila there was never a question as to whether we would continue traveling or not. It was: when should we start? Our hope is that by introducing her to the world, to different countries and cultures, that she’ll be a well-rounded little girl with bundles of love and happiness. If our love of travel passes over to her that would be fantastic. We’re ready to follow her around the world.

Corinne, how do you create moments for self-care when traveling with Mila (and while pregnant!)?
C: Self-care isn’t something I get heaps of time for. However, as Mila has gotten older, her needs from me and from River have changed. She’s more independent and enjoys her own company for parts of the day which has allowed me more time to prioritize myself. My go-to is a long soak in the bath with candles and scented oils or, if I’m really indulging, a massage. I’ve been fortunate to get a few pregnancy massages under my belt this time around. I tend to schedule one during Mila’s mid-day nap so River can have some peace and I can rest easy knowing she’s sleeping and I’m filling my cup. 

And what’s something you’ve learned from traveling as a mother?
C: Traveling teaches you so much. The memories we have of traveling with Mila from such a young age will forever stay with me but what’s even more astonishing are the memories Mila recalls. Sometimes from days ago, sometimes from months or years as she continues to grow. She amazes us with her curiosity for the world and every living thing. She’s always game to try things, explore, meet people, and to learn from what’s around us. It has definitely opened my eyes as a mother, seeing that what kids really need is to be outside and immersed in nature and culture. They don’t need stuff. Seeing pure joy on your child’s face from the smallest thing is wonderful and eye-opening. Life is too short to get caught up on life — it’s for living and kids make you see that.

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